Thursday 8 September 2022

QUEEN ELIZABETH II, (1926 - 2022)


The Queen Elizabeth II, moves on to meet with her ancestors as Buckingham Palace announced this afternoon, 07th of September, 2022. She was the Queen of the United Kingdom, and 14 Commonwealth Realms, died at 96 years old. She was also the world's oldest head of state.

Her son King Charles III said the death of his beloved mother was a moment of sadness.

He said; We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished sovereign, and much loved mother.

"I know her loss will deeply be felt throughout the country, the realms of the Commonwealth, and by countless people of the World." 

On 6th of September, 2022, she confirmed LIZ TRUSS, as British Prime Minister, in Balmoral, Scotland.

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